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Single roller 4wd dyno

In use since February 2016!

Rotronics, the French specialist for dynamometers, delivered us in February 2016 probably the most accurate single roller 4wd dynamometer:

Rotronics Autoscan Fi X4+

The latest driving stability and propulsion systems required the purchase of a new four-wheel dynamometer to remain competitive.

Almost a whole year claimed the search for the perfect chassis dyno. After a trip to France, extensive tests and many discussions, we were sure that Rotronics is delivering the best four-wheel dynamometer with axle synchronization!

Thanks to the ISO-Speed axle synchronization, every vehicle - no matter which drive system - can be driven on the dyno, just like on the road. The enormous precision and the powerful software in the background make this dyno a perfect tool for tuners.

Prices for dyno runs incl. 19% VAT

Important: We only offer dyno runs to buyers of our performance upgrades!

Single dyno run
150,00 €
Duration depends on vehicle
Dyno run before and after power upgrade
200,00 €
Duration ca. 2 hours
Fine tuning MSC-controllers
300,00 €
Duration ca. 3 hours

Technical data 4x4 dyno

Eddy current brake(s) 2x400kW
Max. engine power 941kW/1280hp
Max. wheel power 800kW/1088PS
max. speed 300 km/h
max. error < 0.1 %
Wheel base 210-330cm
Roller diameter 60cm

Technical data ventilation system

Wind speed 170 km/h
Cold air volume 16.000 m³/h
Waste gas exhaust 18.000 m³/h

30 Jahre Erfahrung

Als Spezialist für Motormanagement und CAN-Bussysteme entwickeln und fertigen wir elektronische Lösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt Motormanagement und CAN-Datenbus.


Wenning Automotive GmbH
Am Galgenbuck 13
D-90613 Großhabersdorf

+49 (0)9105 9043

+49 (0) 9105 9380

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