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24h / 365days

We offer support for our customers

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm (GMT +1)

Get in touch

Cybersteel Inc.
376-293 City Road, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94102

Have any questions?
+44 1234 567 890

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About us

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Customer satisfaction

A functioning quality management is the foundation for highest customer satisfaction. Therefore, we have our quality assurance checked regularly by external auditors. Starting with the Federal Motor Transport Authority, TÜV Hessen subsequently carried out the external audits. Our quality management is not a static system, but is optimized in a constant cycle.

International networking

Unique is the database-supported, international networking of our customers. This makes it possible to record and evaluate patterns and abnormalities across different markets. The online programming of our modules ensures maximum safety, up-to-dateness and traceability.


Our ERP system makes it possible to retrace every step of the manufacturing process down to the last detail via the serial numbers of the various assemblies. Our quality management goes up to the suppliers, who also have to operate a suitable quality management system and have to allow monitoring.

30 Jahre Erfahrung

Als Spezialist für Motormanagement und CAN-Bussysteme entwickeln und fertigen wir elektronische Lösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt Motormanagement und CAN-Datenbus.


Wenning Automotive GmbH
Am Galgenbuck 13
D-90613 Großhabersdorf

+49 (0)9105 9043

+49 (0) 9105 9380

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