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Make your all-terrain tires road legal

Speedometer calibration Volkswagen Amarok 09/2022

E1-certified CAN bus control unit for calibrating the speedometer and odometer of the Volkswagen Amarok II from model 2023

VW Amarok II mit Offroad-Bereifung bei uns zur Tachokalibrierung
Speedometer calibration Volkswagen Amarok II

The Volkswagen Amarok II, produced from 2022, sets standards in the pickup class with its robust technical specifications and high performance. Equipped with powerful TDI engines, the VW Amarok guarantees outstanding driving characteristics both on and off-road. At market launch in Europe, the vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive (4MOTION) and is available with a 10-speed automatic transmission, which ensures optimum power transmission and outstanding pulling power. In addition, the Volkswagen Amarok II can be made even more off-road capable relatively easily, for example by converting it to all-terrain tyres. With its high ground clearance and robust chassis, the VW Amarok II is therefore ideally equipped for off-road use.

With larger all-terrain tyres on the Volkswagen Amarok II, it is necessary to recalibrate the speedometer and odometer in order to make the tyres eligible for registration. Our speedometer calibration kit with EC type approval is the perfect solution for this!

E1-certified CAN-bus technology

This speedometer calibration kit is an E1-certified CAN node developed by us. It can be used to correct the speedometer, cruise control and odometer for vehicle conversions of the Volkswagen Amarok II with a tyre rolling circumference that differs significantly from the standard version, e.g. off-road tyres (all-terrain tyres). This makes it possible, for example, in conjunction with our EC type approval, to make a larger tyre rolling circumference or changes to the differential eligible for approval.


The ABS/ESP control unit sends a speed signal to the instrument cluster via CAN bus. The speedometer calibration kit is installed in front of the instrument cluster and corrects various speed signals in real time. The correction factor can be programmed via the USB interface.

The original wheel speed signals are retained. Therefore, the function of the ABS/ESP control unit cannot be impaired.


Installation on the VW Amarok II is carried out using a plug-in adapter specially developed by us behind the dashboard insert. Removing the dashboard insert requires a little more effort than usual. With the help of the bilingual installation instructions supplied, an experienced fitter can carry out the installation himself, especially as no special tools are required. However, we generally recommend installation by an experienced specialist workshop.

Technical data

Correction factor 1-255%
Power supply 6-30V DC
Current sleep 10 mA
Current max. 35 mA
Temperature range -40°C / +125°C
Protection grade IP68
EMC-approval E1 10R-036407

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30 Jahre Erfahrung

Als Spezialist für Motormanagement und CAN-Bussysteme entwickeln und fertigen wir elektronische Lösungen mit dem Schwerpunkt Motormanagement und CAN-Datenbus.


Wenning Automotive GmbH
Am Galgenbuck 13
D-90613 Großhabersdorf

+49 (0)9105 9043

+49 (0) 9105 9380

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